ESG – Sustainability


We are committed to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals and focus particularly on those goals where our business operations can have the greatest impact. 


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Our commitment

The Nynomic Group is represented in Germany and internationally by various locations that are organised as legally independent direct or indirect subsidiaries. Throughout the corporate group, acting responsibly takes top priority and contributes to our sustainable business success. Our common aspiration is to continually improve the economic, ecological and social impact of our business activities. We develop innovative technological solutions for our customers that enable energy-efficient, resource-saving and environmentally friendly processes. In doing so, we promote sustainable development and thus create added value for our environment and our stakeholders – for our customers, suppliers, investors, employees and society at large. We pick up on new requirements and trends and are prepared to break new ground. Long-term success is more important to us than short-term profit maximisation. In our view, we can only be successful, competitive and sustainable in the long term if we act prudently and with foresight for ourselves and future generations.


The central responsibility for sustainable action in the Nynomic Group lies with the Management Board. The balanced management of environmental, social and governance aspects strengthens the positioning of our company in the market. The following elementary principles apply to our subsidiaries and sites: the occupational health and safety of employees is given the highest priority in order to prevent injuries and illnesses. We want to position our company as an attractive employer and thus promote our employees’ willingness to perform and motivation. In the efficient use of resources and energy, we continuously strive for improvements to mitigate negative environmental impacts and realise cost savings. We use our high level of innovation and passion for technological progress by developing innovative, safe solutions and products that help us and our customers to reduce the burden on the environment. In close and trusting dialogue with our stakeholders, we lay the foundation for long-term and sustainable relationships. For us, respectful interaction with our different stakeholders and the environment is not only a matter of course, but also crucial for economic success. The basis and part of our corporate identity is our good corporate governance: by upholding rules, standards and processes, we ensure legally impeccable and ethically correct action and create a high level of social acceptance.



1. Employees

People from different nations work at our globally active subsidiaries. They play a decisive key role in the success of the Nynomic Group. Motivated and committed employees who feel comfortable in their workplace are the most important success factor of our company. Throughout the group, we are committed to upholding internationally recognised labour standards and local laws. Our goal is to meet the highest standards in occupational health and safety.

The basis is a pleasant and safe working environment based on fair working conditions, trust and transparency. We create modern, flexible framework conditions in which every employee can develop and grow. The company has implemented a code of conduct for all employees in order to define responsible and rule-compliant dealings with each other within the entire Nynomic Team. Our culture of discussion is open and respectful and characterised by flat hierarchies at all organisational levels. Because only committed, satisfied employees can ensure and sustainably increase the success of our company in the long term.

We care about the concerns and well-being of our employees even beyond the legal provisions, regulations and standards. Our goal for the coming years is to continue the positive trend regarding employee satisfaction and to be perceived as an attractive employer – a significant advantage for us in times of demographic change and an increasing shortage of skilled workers.



Working at Nynomic is characterised by:
Personnel development and further training opportunities


Motivated, satisfied and thus also high-performing employees are our most important success factor. Our qualified employees represent a clear competitive advantage for us and ensure that Nynomic can further expand its innovative and competitive edge. As our corporate group is active in very dynamic growth markets, the demands on our employees are steadily increasing too. Individual and company training and development opportunities not only benefit our employees and our company, but are also effective measures for increasing our attractiveness as an employer and thus attract the best skilled personnel. In addition, cooperation with selected universities and educational institutions facilitates our access to qualified young talent.


Employees are usually selected on the basis of a precisely defined requirement profile according to their professional and personal qualifications as well as their respective experience. As a rule, we offer new colleagues permanent employment contracts; performance-based remuneration and flexible working time models are a matter of course at Nynomic. When it comes to the individual contractual arrangements governing the employment relationships, the company regards the relevant national legal regulations and internal agreements as binding.


The fostering of young staff and talent likewise plays an essential role. We offer regular training courses, including on our products and on specific topics, as well as external and internal coaching programmes for further personal and professional development. Our further training measures take the form of flexible e-learning as well as on-site training sessions. One essential basis for individual staff development is the regular employee appraisal, in which specific qualification needs for current and future areas of responsibility are ascertained.


Employee health and work safety

The health and safety of our employees is our top priority. We promote the well-being and health of our employees, taking into account both physical and mental aspects. We regard occupational safety as the early identification of potential hazards in the workplace and the resulting measures to minimise the potential for danger as far as possible. Preventing accidents is thus an important part of health promotion. Therefore, as a responsible employer, we take numerous measures and make comprehensive efforts to prevent potential accidents and health hazards in the workplace. In Germany, we hold regular occupational health and safety committee meetings at our main production sites and all staff are continually trained in occupational health and safety topics and the related rules and guidelines. After a lengthy illness, a company integration management system is widely offered to promote the continuation of the employment relationship for as long as possible. Individual pension schemes and subsidies for company pension schemes complete our range of benefits.

Reconciling work and private life


Different phases of life bring different challenges. We support our employees in balancing their professional and private lives through flexible, tailor-made personnel policies. The aim of an individually designed work-life balance is to increase staff satisfaction and our attractiveness as an employer. This includes, among other things, benefits such as flexible working hours, a variety of part-time models, partial retirement as well as the support and promotion of re-entry after parental leave. Particularly with regard to combining family and career, we promote equal rights for women and men and thus aim to achieve an increasing proportion of women at management levels.


Diversity and equal opportunities



As a globally active corporate group, Nynomic is expressly committed to equal opportunities and diversity. With us, it’s talents, knowledge and skills that count: prejudices and stereotyped thinking have no place in our company. A workforce that contains different cultures, as well as a good gender balance and age structure, is therefore part of our corporate culture. At Nynomic, all employees have the same development opportunities, regardless of gender, ethnicity, religion, physical limitations, marital status, age and sexual orientation. So, the principle of equality also applies to fair pay. Salary differences are thus based exclusively on performance-related factors such as an employee’s skills, experience or responsibility. Our diversity is the best prerequisite for successfully meeting the challenges of demographic change and the increasing shortage of specialists.


Compliance with the core conventions of the International Labour Organisation and the rights to freedom of association and collective bargaining as well as non-discrimination are guaranteed throughout the corporate group. We are committed to respecting human rights and speak out clearly against forced and child labour.



2. Governance & Compliance

In the Nynomic Group, corporate governance stands for responsible corporate management that is geared towards value creation in compliance with the relevant statutory provisions and internal company regulations. In a dynamic environment, the management of the group is thereby based on a market-oriented, continuous and methodical approach. In order to be able to identify and systematically record risk-relevant areas, we have a group-wide risk management system to secure our medium to long-term corporate goals. Responsible and structured risk management is therefore an essential component of our corporate governance: we see sustainability and risk management as mutually complementary concepts. Our risk management system enables us to identify and assess risks at an early stage and to proactively control and, if necessary, counteract risk factors by taking appropriate measures. It enables an optimal balance between opportunities and risks and thus contributes significantly to securing the continued existence of our company, to successfully developing it further and sustainably increasing its earning power.


At Nynomic, we take the issue of compliance very seriously. We are very much aware of our role in society and our responsibility towards our customers and business partners, shareholders and employees. Our premise is: only clean business is Nynomic business. Besides compliance with legal provisions and the observance of regulatory requirements, we also attach special importance to the fulfilment of further essential, self-imposed ethical and moral standards and requirements. Compliance is far more than just adherence to the law. Reliability, fairness and integrity are integral components of our corporate culture. This applies to everyone, always and everywhere. Our Nynomic Compliance Manual provides the framework within which we operate and stands for open and transparent communication. Avoiding conflicts of interest is a top priority; private interests must be strictly separated from company interests. Nynomic does not tolerate the influencing of decisions through granting advantages. For example, our rules and regulations, which apply throughout the Group, specify exactly how gifts and invitations are to be handled. At Nynomic, there is zero tolerance for corruption, anticompetitive infringements or other violations of the law – and where these do occur, we take consistent action. This applies worldwide and at all organisational levels. In staff training courses, we focus on raising awareness among our employees and managers and ensure that everyone understands why it is important to act in a compliant manner; our employees can report observed violations anonymously via a professional digital whistleblower system. Data protection guidelines, provisions for health and safety in the workplace, the regulation of working hours, periods of absence and holidays, IT guidelines, guidelines on equal opportunities and the use of social media are, among other stipulations, further guidelines for conduct in the workplace.


The protection of personal and individual-related data has always been a special concern of ours. Data protection and data security help to minimise risks in the company. We therefore process personal data exclusively within the framework of the legal provisions based on the German Federal Data Protection Act (Bundesdatenschutzgesetz) and the requirements of the European Union’s General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).



Public acceptance of our corporate group is a major priority for us. Thus, continuous dialogue with our stakeholders is particularly important to us. Through our stakeholders, we are part of society and cherish our relationships as valuable partnerships. Our customers and suppliers, as well as our immediate neighbours, authorities, capital market participants and universities contact us by e-mail, telephone, letter or via social media channels. Their enquiries are then forwarded to the relevant specialist department for processing. We maintain long-term business relationships based on partnership and are in intensive personal contact in order to exchange experiences and to promote and implement product developments and improvements. When problems arise, we work together to find suitable solutions. Thanks to the high level of customer loyalty, our sustainable business practices have proven their worth, especially in difficult times, and have further strengthened our position in the market.


As a basic principle, our main production sites are certified in accordance with ISO 9001. The objectives of the EU regulations on the disclosure of the origin of risk-related minerals used in our products are accordingly taken into account.



As a smaller research and development-oriented group of companies, we are in contact with several research institutions and actively participate in research projects within the scope of our possibilities – including research for sustainable development. Research is a supporting pillar of our company. Taking social and environmental aspects into consideration in our research and development processes promotes the innovation and future viability of our group by enabling us to offer sustainable solutions that meet the current expectations and future needs of our customers. Also, thanks to our involvement in various organisations and associations, we are helping to accelerate sustainable development in photonics.


3. Environment



Climate change is one of the greatest challenges we face. Nynomic attaches great importance to climate protection and the concomitant reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. Our goal is to minimise the environmental footprint left by our business operations as much as possible. We take seriously our responsibility for the use of energy, water, soil, land, biodiversity and waste generation in multiple ways and are continually initiating change processes. Our maxim in environmental protection is: ‘Look ahead with inspiration and positivity and get better and more efficient!’ In terms of sustainable development in industrial processes, Nynomic plays an important role by supporting companies in conserving resources and minimising environmental impacts. In addition to the economic benefits for our customers, many of our solutions benefit the environment.


We are committed to complying with all legal regulations on environmental protection, which we regard as minimum criteria. Our energy requirements have the greatest direct impact on our carbon footprint. A large part of our energy demand is for production. We use energy in a targeted and sparing way, and our energy-related services and supply systems, such as air conditioning, heating, compressed air or vacuum systems, are subject to constant monitoring. The aim of our continuous identification of energy-saving potential in production processes is to help us conserve valuable energy resources and realise long-term savings. Group-wide energy audits within the framework of the German Energy Services Act (Energiedienstleistungsgesetz) are one example of how we can use resources more efficiently.


In addition, for us a more conscious use of resources also means increasing the use of renewable energies and improving the energy efficiency of buildings. We maintain high standards regarding the ecological sustainability of our buildings.


The responsible use of water as a resource is part of our corporate responsibility. First and foremost, this involves handling water conscientiously and promoting sustainable water use.

Another concern of ours is to focus on sustainability in business travel and mobility and to systematically improve our performance in this respect. We want to travel as “smart” as possible, i.e., only for purposes that bring a substantial business benefit and to thereby give preference to low-emission technologies and transportation. Here, we endeavour to combine several appointments per trip and to choose particularly short and efficient travel routes. The implementation of our sustainable goals is supported by increasing digitalisation. We now replace a large number of trips with virtual conferences, which not only save money but also protect the environment.

Digitalisation can also significantly reduce material consumption in that business processes are reviewed, streamlined and handled digitally. This includes the conscious and economical use of paper. We therefore continue to work on avoiding paper printing and on establishing digital processes.


All Nynomic locations handle waste responsibly. We avoid wastewater and waste to the greatest extent possible.



We are Climate Protection Partner of PLANT-MY-TREE, an organization that carries out reforestation projects to compensate for CO² emissions, as well as forest conversion and forest protection projects throughout Germany. We are pleased to be able to contribute to sustainable environmental and climate protection with this tree donation.